For many concerts, Busch-Werk performs together with outstanding guest musicians:

Nippy Noya
is regarded as one of the best conga players in Europe. He is the son of a Japanese taiko drummer who was born in Sulawesi/Indonesia. He began to play drums at the age of 10. In 1968 he moved to Amsterdam and became a professional percussionist. He is at home in traditional South American music as well as contemporary jazz, rock and pop. His spectrum of instruments ranges from the melodic kalimba to electronic percussion. He has performed with such artists as John McLaughlin, Jan Akkerman and Stan Getz and has gone on tour with such big names as Herbert Grönemeyer, Udo Lindenberg, Eric Burdon, Billy Cobham and Chaka Khan. In the meantime, he is one of the greatest musicians in the business. He has contributed to many LP and CD recordings and he teaches percussion at the Enschede Conservatory of Music in the Netherlands.
Busch-Werk has been on tour with Nippy Noya several times since 2003.

Wolfgang Schmid
played the bassguitar in Klaus Doldingers legendary Jazzrock-Band PASSPORT. He is one of the best Bass players in Europe.

Famoudou Konaté (Guinea):
is looked upon as the ultimate old master of the djembé. He toured the globe for 26 years as first soloist with the "Ballets Africains de Guiné." He belongs to the West African Malinke tribe, whose highly differentiated drum tradition is Africa's most superb. Konatés enormous knowledge of the old culture and tradition of his people as well as his unusual musical sensitivity have made him one of the most well-respected drummers who ever performed. Between 1998 and 2000, Busch-Werk went on diverse tours with Famoudou Konaté and released a CD which is available via Zauberhaus.
Baba Sissoko (Mali)
was born into the tradition of the West-African Griots, who are often designated as "living libraries". They know their whole history by heart and sing about it in their songs. Sissoko is one of the outstanding virtuoses in playing the Talking Drum and the Ngoni, a filigran stringed instrument from Mali.
Jonas Hellborg
was born in Sweden and is one of the most innovative and virtuos bassplayers of the last decades. He played together with Lohn McLaughlin, Ginger Baker, Trilok Gurtu and many others.
Trilok Gurtu
from India has developed his individual musical language and style, on the base of classical indian music. He has been one of the most outstanding percussionists for the last 20 years.
Büdi Siebert
is "one of the most versatile musicians in Germany." He plays the saxophone as well as numerous wind instruments from all over the world and has been involved in well over 100 film, theater and music productions. As a border-crossing musical personality, he has composed and performed in practically every genre over the past twenty years, receiving the German Schallplattenkritik for his work.
José Cortijo
comes from Spain. He has already played in numerous bands (Al Jarreau, Jon Lord, Abdullah Ibrahim Dollar Brand…). As a virtuoso timbales player in particular, he is in high demand among bands which perform in the area of ethnical as well as popular music. He is professor for Latin percussion at the Mannheim Conservatory of Music.
Busch-Werk collaborated with José Cortijo on tour in 2003.
Andreas Molino
is a musician infused with the music of Cuba, where he is a respected musician who has produced and released a CD. He is active in many ensembles in Germany, Holland, Belgium and France, countries where he also gives master classes in Cuban music. He has also been ordained as master drummer in the cult music of Cuba. He is a virtuoso performer on the congas, timbales and batas. His solo lines are characterized by warm emotionality unlike any other to be found in percussion music. Moreover, as a singer he is an outstanding performer of Cuban music. Busch-Werk last went on tour with Molino in Spring 2005.

Soungalo Coulibaly was "the" master drummer of Mali:
He had an exceptional command of the djembé, demonstrating an innovative, virtuoso style of performance equaled by very few West African musicians. By virtue of his profound knowledge of the tradition in combination with his forceful, complex performances on the instrument, he was named one of the four best djembé masters, alongside Famoudou Konaté, Mamady Keita and Adama Dramé.
Busch-Werk went on tour with Soungalo Coulibaly in 2002.
We hold Soungalo's friendship and his wonderful djembé performances in fond memory after his music was hushed forever in January 2004.

Aicha Kouyate, a powerful-voiced singer from Guinea:
She is at home in the tradition of the Griots, which she grew up in, but she is also capable of combining her improvisational art of singing with other musical genres.
Aicha has accompanied Busch-Werk on many tours and concerts as a singer since 1999 and was also involved in its first CD-recordings.

Amadou Kienou, master drummer from Burkina Faso,
comes from one of that country's one famous musician families. This young musician has already toured many countries in Africa and Europe. He delights his audiences with his sinewy and witty style of playing the djembé, winning them over with his virtuoso music and sense of humor in no time.
Busch-Werk often collaborates with Amadou Kienou as a guest musician.

Rainer Dörrer
is a specialist for West African music and his djembé performances are characterized by virtuosity and emotionality. He is a friend of Busch-Werk and has helped to shape the ensemble in the course of many years and many concerts with his music and his likeable personality. He has performed with Busch-Werk many times since 1998.